To receive
credit: Your work must be done accurately and carefully.
Use sharp pencils and crayons.
Erase and clean up completely
and carefully.
Several attempts may be needed for results that are acceptable to you and your teacher.
Making the Pattern
1. On a file card, make marks 3 1/2" from the corner along two adjoining edges.
2. On a sheet of white paper, use the marked card to create
a square 3 1/2" on a side.
3. WORK CAREFULLY. The figure must be perfectly square.
4. Mark each corner of the square with a small dark dot.
5. Have a blank sheet of paper ready and follow the steps shown in the Tessellation Demo.
Make a squiggle between the two left hand dots. Place a second sheet of paper on top of the squiggle and dots. Carefully trace the dots and squiggle onto the top paper.
Slide the top paper to the left until the right hand two dots are lined up with the squiggle and dots underneath.
On the first paper, make another squiggle between the bottom two dots. |
8. Using the pattern outline, play around with a design. What does the shape suggest?? A face, flower, butterfly? For an idea, see the Square Tessellationexample.
9. Shape's boring??? - make another one.
10. Trace the design onto a file card by either: 1) Cutting it
out and tracing or, 2) Using a light source behind the design.
11. Cut out the shape on the file card to make a tracing pattern.
1. Use a piece of white posterpaper or posterboard.
2. Determine how many patterns can be traced side to side and top to bottom. Plan to have an even border around your tessellation.
3. Trace the pattern starting near a corner. Check frequently to see that the rows are evenly spaced from the top or bottom of the page.
4. Sketch in your design and color.
5. Give your work a title.
6. Show it off.
7. Make a second tessellation. Base it on a rectangle. See the Rectangle Definition.
8. This time be adventurous - use more PIZZAZZ.